Friday, May 31, 2013

Custom drawers

boxes and drawers
This is what's in the studio right now. I'm trying to streamline my workspace. I wanted little drawers as storage for the small parts I use to create the dolls and critters.

The ready made plastic ones I could find were not going to work for me. They had snap lids, or the drawers were too small, or the drawers were to big. None of them fit nicely in the corner under the riser like I wanted.

So, what's a creative person to do? Make it themselves, of course. LOL I had some .03 inch thick book board and no particular project for it. I've used 90% of what I had making these. It's not done by a long shot. I have to finish gluing the drawer sleeves into a box. Then, in order to stabilize the structure, I'll be creating a box with thicker book board around the sleeves. I still have to figure out what to use for drawer pulls. But, this, when done, will give me more space than I currently need for storing small things and fit under the riser over in the corner. Accessible, but out of the way.

I am taking pictures of each step along the way. When complete, I will post a tutorial on how to do this yourself, if you'd like. In the meantime, I will be taking next Friday off from posting. I will be involved in a wedding next weekend and will not be able to post. But, I will be back the following Friday with something new.

Until next time...

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