Friday, June 21, 2013

Parts drawers out of cardboard

cardboard parts bin
I'm going to start off by saying, I apologize for not returning last week. Time got away from me as I have a craft show coming up and have been in the kitchen, not the studio. I can't appear at a local craft show without candy for sale. :)

To the right you can see the finished parts drawers. I am not happy with this. The drawers are the correct size. But, the sleeves ended up being less precise and the whole became a little wonky. But, as I said I'd share the instructions, I will do so. I'm also re-making this another way. Another note, I need some sort of drawer pull on the drawers. Right now, I'm catching the top with a fingernail and pulling. In addition, I have to hang onto the whole thing because some of the drawers are a little tight. If you want to try this yourself, you may want to play with opening up the sleeve part some to ease the drawer sliding in and out. I did not make changes to the directions, because I am abandoning this way of doing things and am trying a different design.

cardboard sleeve pattern
cardboard drawer pattern

These are the dimensions I used to make each drawer and sleeve. With the cardboard I was using, I scored the sleeve on the outside of the box when it was folded up. It worked easier.

how to fold cardboard drawer
This is how the drawer is folded. I used white glue on each small tab and held it for several seconds to make sure it stayed before moving on to the next.

Below is how I folded the sleeve. I used white glue along the small tab and made sure the edge of the top was flush with the side. Again, holding for several seconds to insure it would stay and not fall apart.

how to fold cardboard sleeveOnce I had 9 sleeves and 9 drawers, I assembled the sleeves together with white glue. This is where I discovered that I hadn't been as precise as I thought. Some sleeves were not rectangles but parallelograms. Some were slightly smaller or larger. I was determined and glued the sides and tops together anyway to create a 3x3 grid of sleeves. The picture below shows single layers of sleeves glued to each other before gluing the rows together.

Once everything was dry, I started installing drawers into sleeves. It sort of worked. Some drawers slide fine. Others are a very snug fit. I tried changing drawers around in different sleeves to get the best fit. It wasn't as successful as I would have liked. I have a new idea that will give the whole a little more substance. I may be that a small grid of sleeves would have been better. Even just a little 2 drawer set may be perfect. I really wanted the 9 drawers.

cardboard parts drawers

I'm going to attempt to create a "cabinet" out of book board to replace the sleeves and keep the drawers as is. I also plan on adding drawer pulls somehow so I can actually pull a drawer open rather than wrestling with them. I'll keep you posted.

Until next time...

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