Friday, May 17, 2013

Unexpected work

Firtha blue felt Nessie toy
Last Sunday, during a phone call with my son, I was sharing the progress on getting the critters and dolls out online. He was very supportive but mentioned that I should watermark my photos due to some unscrupulous people out in the internet world. Not what I wanted to hear. It took me a bit to figure out how to do that exactly. Once I figured it out, it is now a matter of getting this on each and every photo I have that I want to put online. Not an insurmountable problem, just unexpected. I'm still working on it.

The main focus this work week was going to be to improve my online presence and to get started on making candy. I have a craft show on the 4th of July and was going to get some lollipops made this week. Instead, I will be working on photos.

I don't remember if I've shown this Nessie before. Her name is Firtha which means "arm of the sea". I'll be listing her soon in my Etsy shop.

Until next time...

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