Friday, May 24, 2013

Little boxes

pencil box for pipe cleaners
I've been working on boxes this week. I've also been attempting to learn about using FaceBook, Twitter and Pinterest. Feel free to "like" my stuff. :)

The first box I made was to hold the long pipe cleaners I use when making the bendy dolls. I'm working on eliminating the big (as in taking up space on the desktop) 3 drawer box that my doll making supplies are in. It's still a work in progress.

And, of course, the photo came out blue. (Sorry about that.) I guess I need to add that to my list. Learn to take better pictures.

I was able to get my new business card designed and printed out. That made me happy. Especially since I've been listing stuff in my Etsy store. What if someone actually buys one of them? :D Anyway, with spiffy new business cards, they needed a new home. I applied my cool new box making skills to make a container.

It's a miniature clam-shell box. I was quite pleased how it turned out. It holds 20 business cards. The only problem is, will it stay closed when I toss it in a purse or bag? I'll keep you posted. And, I will gratefully accept any cool ideas.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. A product that is a collectible, yet can be used for something other than being on display? Cool! It seems that you've aimed for the best of both worlds with your boxes, and they did not disappoint. And I see that you’ve already started building an online presence in different social media platforms. That’s great! Those should help spread the word about your wonderful boxes. Anyway, I hope you continue to do what you love, and that you’re able to sell them to people who share your passion for collecting such things. Cheers!

    Ann Boone @ Apex Business Team
