Friday, April 26, 2013

Chaos studio

I hinted at the prospective studio space coming. This is what it looks like so far. I bought a desk and chair to be the basis of the space. And, kind of defining the space since this is a portion of the living room.

This desk is heavy, being primarily particle board. I need hubby to help build it. Unfortunately, his days off earlier this week were pretty much booked. He and I worked on it Wednesday afternoon. We are up to page 8 in the instructions. The next step is starting to put pieces together rather than just installing hardware on each panel. When hubby is off work again, we'll continue.

I'm very excited about having this desk to be my workspace. It'll give me more room and a place to leave a project out that isn't finished. I don't know if I'll be any more productive, but my supplies will be handier and I'll be better organized. :)

Until next time...

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