Friday, March 1, 2013

Spots and Working

partially painted castle
I've finally finished drawing all the stones on the outside of the castle and the battlements. I was so jazzed when I finished.

Now, onto the painting. I'm starting with the darkest gray and randomly painting the different stones. Kind of looks like a Dalmatian, doesn't it?

Lesson learned: Even in a sealed bag, acrylic paint will dry out. *sigh* I tried to save the paint from yesterday, but it was a thick scummy mess. I'll be more conservative today and not put out quite as much paint, or paint longer to use it up. I'll probably be working on it longer today, so that should work out.

Speaking of working, I'm trying something new for me. I decided it was time to take myself seriously. I've talked about being an entrepreneur for years. I've even tried a few different businesses. There were the teddy bears, the herbs, and the candy. None of them were a complete failure, but I also allowed other things to take priority. During the first two of those, I was the sole breadwinner and worked out side the home. I also became a single mom which pretty much closed down the teddy bear business. It also kept the original herb business from getting off the ground.

Today, I have a sweet husband who is the breadwinner and the child is grown and has been on his own for several years now. I have the time to create a business. But, I found that I was spreading out the household chores so that I was busy with something nearly every day. I answered every phone ring. I was spending hours cruising the internet and reading blogs, forums and articles. I was playing computer games. Nothing wrong with any of that, but I wasn't getting any of my "work" done either.

Last week, I made the decision to establish a work week. The best way to do that is to follow hubby's work schedule so that we have the same days off. I started by making sure that other than the few daily chores, like keeping up with the dishes, my household tasks were done during the off days. That includes baking and cooking meals ahead. Hubby is very supportive of this idea and he assisted in making sure everything got done. So far, so good. I worked on some aspect of business for most of the day each work day last week. This is my second week and I faltered a bit yesterday. Today, I am back on task.

By taking work on the business I'm establishing seriously, it has actually created a peaceful, less stressed feeling. I'm able to focus on the preliminary work of setting up the business without feeling guilty about the household chores. And on the off days, I'm not feeling guilty about neglecting the business because, I know I'll be working again on my work days. By the way, the castle is part of the preliminary work on the business, it'll be featured as the background for the product photos.

Until next time...

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