Friday, February 22, 2013


cinnamon felt dragon
Record sheet work got done on the castle this last week. I found myself with chores and social obligations instead. With my social outtings, I decided to bring along some toys to make. When I got back home, I realized that I had made a royal mess of my supplies. There has to be a better way. In order to keep track of everything I began by creating a record page of each toy. I printed the photo on card stock.

That was when I realized I had over 30 colors of felt and wasn't sure if I'd used gold on the wings or the marigold. *sigh* (It was gold.) Definitely time to get organized. I included a swatch of each felt and a bit of each color of embroidery floss. Rather than deal with glue or tape that could fail over time, I sewed the swatch to the card stock with  the embroidery floss. Now I have a record and can re-create that color combo again. This makes me happy.

In order to determine the color of the different felts, I had to look at my orders from Felt on the Fly. (This is awesome felt!) I started by pinning a tag on each piece with the name on it. Not very safe because I was using straight pins. I wanted a way to keep the embroidery floss colors with each piece of felt rather than having to search through my floss collection each time. I've been using the "BAG-IT" system to keep track of my floss for years.

It works well. I have a ring for each family of colors. I took a page from their system and determined that I could put each felt in it's own ziplock bag along with the bag of floss. To keep it organized, I simply label each floss bag with it's number for ease of replacement. The gallon ziplocks I had on hand for the felt were the freezer style. They have a label area. Great, I can write the name of the color of the felt on the bag and get rid of the tag with a straight pin. (And not poke my fingers.)

punching hole in plastic bag

The plastic is slippery. I have a very old hole punch. I found that by putting a scrap piece of card stock top and bottom, I could punch neatly through the plastic. Now I just hang the bags with the large ring.

organized felt and embroidery floss

All organized. Not quite done yet, but was excited to show what I've been up to. I think this will work out just fine.

Until next time...

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