Friday, March 8, 2013

Image quandary

fairy door, castle doorI am making progress on the castle this week. Stones are being painted. It's just taking a lot longer than I ever anticipated. That's ok, because when I'm done, it's going to look so cool. :)

The image you see this time is one potential logo. I am certain this isn't the final. The feedback I've gotten so far is that the door is too dark. The blue symbol doesn't show up well. The hinges and doorknob seem at odds with the look. The person assumed it was a castle drawbridge opening rather than a door. All good feedback. If you'd like to leave an opinion in the comments section, I'd love to hear from you. I have a few other ideas for the logo. In fact hubby and I tried several things before we got this one. I'm going to go back and revisit some earlier versions, aiming for something simpler. 

The concept of an actual work week continues. I find that if I plan for being "at work", the chores and extra cooking & baking gets done during the off days. That and not answering every phone call. The concentrated effort is paying off. It also helps to set goals for the week. Overall, I'm pleased and plan to keep doing this. 

Until next time....

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