Friday, March 15, 2013

Finally, a logo

mountain goddess studio logo
After showing people the first logo idea, I decided to pull things way back. Keep it simple. Just using the symbol on the door, rather than everything. I rather like how this looks. My thought is to use an even simpler version of this as a maker's mark on my critters to identify them as coming from me. Yes, it could be forged, but why bother? If someone is clever enough to copy my designs, they are clever enough to invent their own.

The castle is finally looking close to what I envisioned. I've got several colors of grey stones adorning all the outside walls and battlements. There are stones that aren't colored yet. I'm having a discussion with hubby about that. He advocates leaving them white. I'm looking at maybe leaving some of them white but introduce a blue-grey for the final color. Then, there is the issue of what to do about the wooden parts. Do I leave the wood natural? It's a light colored wood. Or do I stain it darker? But, I don't want to go too dark. I think there's enough dark in the darkest grey. More decisions and then a final push to get it done. Then, it's time to take some pictures. :)

Until next time...

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