Friday, February 1, 2013

Bricks and Stones

The castle is now completely primed, inside and out. It took a lot of time because I didn't want to paint everything. I wanted to leave the floors and stairs/ladders wood. I had to get in there with a really small paintbrush to avoid painting the stairs. Now onto the stones.

Ah, but not so fast. I have to figure out just how I'm going to do that. The first thing was to experiment with some homemade stone stamps. I cut a white eraser into quarters and carved out random chunks of one end. Ta-da, stones, sort of.
Of course I didn't have grey paint, only white and black. I mixed up some medium grey and tried the stamps on a piece of card stock before committing to the actual castle.

As you can see, I was having problems keeping a reasonable distance between the stones to simulate grouting. On the left, you can see where I actually took a pencil and drew out some abstract stone shapes and then went at it with a paint brush. (Paint brushes and I don't always get along.) I like the drawn and painted stones better than the stamps, so I am going to take a little more time and do this again on a scrap piece of primed wood. What do you think of these?

Work on the logo continues. I still haven't settled on a good image. I have yet another idea to work on. I will post a preview as soon as I'm somewhat happy with it to get some feedback.

Until next time...

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