Friday, February 15, 2013

Cross eyed

drawing castle wallTransfering the concept of small stones to the larger castle has become an exercise in patience and going cross eyed. I originally thought I'd take a few days to draw out all the little stones. After all, how hard could it be? I'm just drawing ovals, rectangles, squares and circles. They don't have to be precise, they are rocks. Well, my original thought was wrong. It took me about 3 days of drawing on and off (I couldn't do this for very long without resting my eyes.) to get the back of the castle drawn on. Three more sides and the battlements to draw yet.

close up drawing castle wall
Now, I think this is going to be so cool when it is finished. But, instead of a week, it's going to be several weeks as I cannot work on this 100% of the time. Here's a close up of the pencil work. Not hard, just time and eye strain.

In other news, I've got a working concept for a logo. It needs some refinement and perhaps a rest and come back to it before presenting it as a final design. Back to drawing more stones on walls.

Until next time...

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