Friday, January 25, 2013

Outside the castle - prime time

The outside of the castle now has 2 coats of primer on it. Not a lot to see, but a lot of work. Next I'll be adding primer to the walls inside the castle. It's getting there. I'm looking at more castle walls, stone walls and natural stone fireplaces to get an idea of how I want the outside to look.

The inside is going to be "whitewashed" rather than taking the stone painting inside. The exception might be the window openings where the stone window frame can be seen.

I've been noodling over a logo for the toy line I want to launch. Since I had a food based business, Mountain Godddess Candies, with an established logo. I wanted something similar, but different. I wanted brighter colors and possibly incorporating stars. It's a tough decision. The logo to the right was created by my very talented husband for the foodstuffs. I don't want an exact copy of this, but as I said, something similar. I'll keep you posted. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment.

Until next time.

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