Saturday, August 3, 2013

Teeny tiny

Missed yesterday because I had family visiting. So, now, onto what's been happening this week. I've been trying to come up with a tiny doll the size of the bendy dolls to be in compliance with the toy law and utilizing only natural materials. My natural materials of choice being wool felt, and cotton embroidery floss. I've had a series of failures, but finally something resembling a success.

The doll is photographed against a 1 inch grid on a cutting board. Of course this is just a bare doll, not even a wig for hair. However, the experiment may stop here.

While visiting with family, I showed them this doll. There were exclamations of wonder at how tiny it was. But, also, everyone agreed, it was too small. And, they are correct. The doll is so small that a child would lose it easily. In addition, a medium to large pet might swallow it whole.

This caused me to pause for a bit. I've been thinking about what was said, and about potential customers commenting to a child who wanted one of my very small toys, that they would just lose the toy and it was a no. To that end, I am looking to make things a bit larger. I'd like the dolls to be a size that can ride on the animals I make. That means not only designing a new doll from scratch, but enlarging the critters. My concern is, as I enlarge the patterns, what is now cute at 4 inches will look primitive and lacking at a larger size. The only way to tell is to try it and see.

What is your opinion on the size of the toys I'm making?

Until next time...


  1. Oh you should finish it. I would have loved this as a child and I think my granddaughter would now.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Vivien. Thanks for the vote of confidence on the tiny doll. I'm still working on doll prototypes. I'll be posting more on this later.
