Saturday, August 24, 2013

A different breed of dragon

green and brown miniature felt toy dragon
After making the larger dragon, I was attempting to figure out a way to include more detail. One of my thoughts was to make the legs as separate parts, allowing the underbelly to be a different color.

I began with my miniature (4 inches tall) dragon pattern and made some changes. In addition, I liked the look of the gusset I used on the head of the large dragon and created that for this smaller size.

green and brown miniature felt toy dragonWhat you are seeing is the result of that experimental pattern. It's a lot more work than the original. Each leg has to be sewn separately and attached to the body. I chose to sew the legs first, then the belly gusset. Sewing the belly gusset became difficult working around the sewn on legs. If I continue this type of dragon, I'll experiment with sewing the legs on after the sewing the gusset.

However, I think this may have potential. It's currently residing with the large dragon on a shelf while I think about it.

Until next time...

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