Friday, July 26, 2013

Unicorns are here

miniature grey felt unicorn toyI finally figured out how to put together a decent horn for a unicorn. I got a few of them made and they are now in my Etsy store. I've also added a few dragons and another Nessie. I got a wonderful idea for some witch and wizard dolls. I'm working on those this week along with some paperwork I have to catch up on. Over all it's been fun the last week. I finally feel like I'm back in my groove. I just love my studio space for creating. I think it's working very well.

miniature pink felt unicorn toy

I've started adding inspiration to my bulletin board above the desk. One of the images is the word "play". When I'm in the studio, it does feel like playing. In fact I feel rather guilty that I am playing and not working. Even tho' this is now my work. I have always heard the saying about doing what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. I always thought that was a bit unrealistic. And, to be fair, it is. After all, just because one has found joy and yes, play, in their work doesn't mean that you don't have to deal with mundane stuff. There are always chores that have to be done, that don't appeal. However, I'm finding that when I'm really involved in creating something in my studio space, I still need to take breaks. When I take that break, I'm perfectly willing to do a bit of the mundane stuff before coming back to play. I'm really thinking that play is an essential part of being human.

Until next time...

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