Friday, July 12, 2013


craft show display
To start today, I realized about mid-week last week, that I didn't post last Friday. Things happen.

The picture today is from the Art in the Park craft show I was at on July 4th. I've been wanting to see the castle used as I imagined back in January when I started painting it.

It was a success. It drew people's attention. The children loved it and dragged parents or grandparents over to see it. The critters and dolls were well loved. I really didn't expect to sell many toys at this show. And, I only sold one dragon. But, come time for Christmas shows, I'm sure there will be sales. One little boy was so cute. He very seriously asked me if I played with the castle and the toys. I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't play with them. And I guess technically, I did "play" with them when I was arranging the display. (And re-arranged the display after others played with them. *smile*)

I've been noticing lately how I use the word "play" in my everyday language. I refer to gardening as "playing in the dirt". I play my flute. When I get tense when learning how to draw and paint, hubby reminds me that I'm playing with the colors. It does put a more relaxing spin on things. I even realized that I refer to my sewing of the toys as playing with thread. Talking with my son the other day, I was reminded that back when he was in high school I would advise him to "play the game" of class work as a way to motivate him to do his homework and to keep up his attendance. Another common phrase, though I don't use it much, is "playing the game of life".

This has led me to give some thought as to what "play" really means. The word implies fun and games and children. Yet, as adults we still refer to things we enjoy as play. We also try to psych ourselves up by referring to work, life and school as play. Playing seems to be serious business.

Until next time...

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