Friday, July 19, 2013

West wind

brown and red pegasusFinally feeling like I'm getting back into the swing of working again this last week. Seemed like the last 6 weeks were not very productive on the toy end of things. Tho' I did make a lot of candy, do the craft show, and prior to that went to a wedding.

The fellow pictured to the left is the newest Pegasus. His name is Seferino, it means "west wind". This is the first time I've not used beads for eyes. I embroidered the eyes so it's a safer toy. The Pegasus is made of 100% wool felt, wool stuffing and cotton embroidery floss. I think it turned out rather well. I've got several unicorns and a dragon in process in the studio. They will all be created using the same materials. I liked the beads for eyes because it had that shine factor. But, as I mentioned, these are safer.

I've been thinking more about "play". It's amazing how much of play is hard wired into us. And, not just us, but other mammals too. Cats, dogs, bears and dolphins all play. The professionals will tell you that the animals are practicing their survival skills when they play. Thinking about that, since we are mammals too, wouldn't that make playing on our part a survival skill also? But, where a cat is practicing attacking prey, what is it we are practicing? If you look at playing team games, it makes sense. Humans need each other, to be able to work together for a common goal, in order to survive. But what about other things that we play? Card games, board games, musical instruments or even video games. How do they add to our survival? Something to think about.

Until next time...

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