Friday, April 26, 2013

Chaos studio

I hinted at the prospective studio space coming. This is what it looks like so far. I bought a desk and chair to be the basis of the space. And, kind of defining the space since this is a portion of the living room.

This desk is heavy, being primarily particle board. I need hubby to help build it. Unfortunately, his days off earlier this week were pretty much booked. He and I worked on it Wednesday afternoon. We are up to page 8 in the instructions. The next step is starting to put pieces together rather than just installing hardware on each panel. When hubby is off work again, we'll continue.

I'm very excited about having this desk to be my workspace. It'll give me more room and a place to leave a project out that isn't finished. I don't know if I'll be any more productive, but my supplies will be handier and I'll be better organized. :)

Until next time...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Mmmm... caramels

I seem to have fallen back into my old patterns. I know I wanted to dedicate myself to having my work week, but things keep happening to thwart that. This week during the off days, there just wasn't quite enough time or energy to get everything done. So, first I had to make hubby the dessert I promised, a banana cream pie for his lunches. It didn't help I had a dental appointment the same day. Not a lot of work got done the first day of the work week.

cutting caramelsToday, I finished up a candy order, which was work. I still have to make delivery, but that is done. Sure does make the house smell good when I make them. :)

During the off days, I got a desk for the new workspace. It still has to be put together and I'll need hubby to help with that. It's definitely a two person job. I'll be so glad when it's put together and in place. I'll have a home for organizing my supplies and a cool place to work. Unfortunately, the chair I bought will not work for me. Hubby likes it and he needed a new chair, so it's his. I'll have to look for another one.

Until next time...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Little ones

Iantha purple Pegasus
As promised, this week there are pictures. :) First up is Iantha, a purple Pegasus. I made this one while I was thinking a lot about artist versus toy maker and what I was going to do about all of this. I've got a bunch of ideas coming up that will take these little critters and dolls to all kinds of new places.

I've been writing and sketching all the ideas. Now, I just have to find the time to do half of them. To that end, I've decided that I need a dedicated workspace. In order to make room, I've been doing a bit of spring cleaning to create space. More on that in another post.

Murdina sea green Nessie
Next up is Murdina, a sea green Nessie. This one was mostly done, but was still made during the thinking time. I've come to the conclusion that I have to make these. I like them, they're cute. They appeal to  more than children.

Panny the witch girl
And finally, there is a character from a story my mom read to me as a child, decades ago. She wrote the story and I thought it would be delightful to create the little girl in the story named Panny. Panny is a little witch girl and gets herself into a bit of trouble. So here she is with her pet frog in her pocket. I still need to make her broom.

Until next time...

Friday, April 5, 2013

I'm an artist?

No pictures this week. I am still working on wrapping my head around being an artist. Maybe one of the reasons this eludes me is because I don't feel like my little creations are exactly art. Then I tell myself not to be ridiculous. After all there are things in museums that don't even look like something remotely close to anything in reality. Funny thing is, I've continued to make things. I just didn't get a picture taken of them. This week's other project was looking at packaging options. I think I've got something figured out.

Of course it doesn't help that I've fallen off my scheduled work week with all of this artist stuff in my head. I was very unscheduled with my time. So, I'm recommitting to a scheduled work week. There will be pictures next week.

Until next time...