Friday, March 22, 2013

So close

stone castle
Almost done with the castle. I still want to see if I can emulate a portcullis on the front door. But, I can use it as is. Next is to set up a proper photo booth so I can take better looking pictures than the little table I'm working on. I've painted the stones on the outside and stained the wood visible from the outside. There is a lot more I'd like to do to the inside making it an even better prop. But, it's usable as it is now. For which I am grateful. Honestly, I'm tired of working on the castle and would like to get back to making the dolls and critters. The original plan was to have the castle done by the end of January. I guess that's typical, that things take longer than planned.
stone castle battlements
The finish on the wood parts is a stain marker from MinWax, called Golden Oak. It was easy enough to use, but had to get some ventilation because the stuff stinks.

I'm rather pleased with the results now that it's mostly finished.

Until next time...

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